We have updated our privacy policy and ask you to read it promptly.
Continue reading Update of the privacy policy (CCPA)Month: December 2019
Cronjob – Here it is!
Your hoster does not offer cronjobs or you only find a few “free tools” on the internet? Cronjobs are now part of the 25Space.com cloud.
Continue reading Cronjob – Here it is!Hosting: quality isn’t just a service!
In the cloud and hosting business is quality a fundamental part of the entire process. We work strong on this point and to provide best possible service to our customers.
Continue reading Hosting: quality isn’t just a service!High quality support & service – Changes
We have decided to continue to provide support and customer service of the highest quality and scope to all our customers. We consider this to be a fundamental topic in the Tech-Business.
Continue reading High quality support & service – Changes