The web service mdct Welcome or 25Welcome have received new functions. Via the “View” external services can be added to the application. This is done centrally via the Cloud Management Suite. External IT providers such as Microsoft Azure, AWS or services such as Docker can also be added there.
Continue reading Welcome View: all your appsAuthor:
New global brand:
The mdct Group launch a new global brand for worldwide cloud infrastructure and hosting services:
Continue reading New global brand: 25space.comHowTo – Manage your applications
How to manage your services, benefits and applications in Cloud Management. A brief overview. (Outdated version, contents similar).
Continue reading HowTo – Manage your applicationsHowTo – Startup & Order
How to start with your account and add first services.
(Outdated version, content similar).
Maintenance work
Due to maintenance work, the login is not possible from saturday 09. february (20pm) to sunday 10. february (20pm). Your applications themselves are not affected. Thank you for your understanding. mdct Service Team.
Review 2018
We look back at the Q4 as well as the entire past year 2018. (Article only available in German).
End external MySQL Access
On 8th December 2018 we will stop the external access for all our MySQL Database Server and Applications. On this date you will only reach your database from your server, WebApp or mdct Cloud Application. Please make sure that you are connected to our MySQL Server via “localhost” or the known URL on an application, which is hosted on a mdct Cloud Product.