The web service mdct Welcome or 25Welcome have received new functions. Via the “View” external services can be added to the application. This is done centrally via the Cloud Management Suite. External IT providers such as Microsoft Azure, AWS or services such as Docker can also be added there.

You can individually select whether these should also be visible on the dashboard of the Cloud Management Suite. You can access all your services directly and centrally from one platform.
It is possible to assign tags, an individual description as well as a Main URL and an Admin URL.
These differ in that for example the main URL is displayed directly to the user, but the admin link is also directly available for admins.

Items that you set to public are displayed on a public page of mdct Welcome/25Welcome under a URL that is individually assigned to you. This page can be used as your personal homepage or as an intranet website with links to the most important portals.
The service has been available since 27 June and can be used free of charge (account in Cloud Management Suite is required). We are constantly working on the improvement of the service, gladly with your feedback.