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Help - Hosting & Database.


  • MySQL, Access & phpMyAdmin

    You will find your connection details in the Cloud Management Suite at "Applications" > "MySQL".
    Please note, you can only access to our database-services only from our own platform and services.

    MySQL Management

    In the Cloud Management Suite Applications you can access the phpMyAdmin app and also find the current database credentials.

    To manage the database itself, you can use our phpMyAdmin installation.

  • MySQL, External Access

    Update August 2020
    You can access our database services our from own hosting services. This includes our virtual servers and also the WebApp platform.
    The URL and port information you will find in the Cloud Management Suite > Applications.

    On 8th December 2018 we will stop the external access for all our MySQL Database Server and Applications. On this date you will only reach your database from your server, WebApp or mdct Cloud Application. Please make sure that you are connected to our MySQL Server via “localhost” or the known URL on an application, which is hosted on a mdct Cloud Product.
    Please note: Our vServers are not allowed to connect to our database system.

    We proceed this step as a part against cyber security.

  • WebApps – Application-Access

    If you order a pre-installed application for WebApps, access is automatically created here.
    This is different from accessing the WebApp (web space) itself.

    User: admin
    Password: password123!

    Please change it afterwards!

  • WebApps – Access via AppManager

    With the App Manager you can directly access the source code / webspace of your WebApp. You can do administrative work in the files and folders there. If you have multiple projects, you can manage them all centrally.

    WebApp Manager

    You will receive the access data from our customer service after the product order or provision. You will find the access data in the Cloud Management Suite at "Applications" at the respective WebApp.
    You can change the password after login, right click on the menu button to make this setting. If you have forgotten your access data, please contact our customer service directly.

    Features/Services & HowTo
    Add bookmarks via Ctrl-B Create bookmark Alt-B Jump to next bookmark Alt-Shift-B Jump to previous bookmark.
    WebApp Manager

    Use the color picker, select the feature on the side menue and select your color.
    WebApp Manager

    To get direct access to your system, you can use the link below:

  • WebApps URL

    Once your WebApp is up and running, you’ll find your WebApp in My Applications in the Cloud Management Suite.
    If you have not yet enabled a domain for your WebApp, you can access your app at:**YOUR-ID**

  • WebApps – SSL Certificate

    To assign an SSL certificate to a domain, perform the following steps:

    - Log in to the Cloud Management Suite
    - Click on “Create” in the top left
    - Choose “SSL”
    - Enter the domain for which the certificate is to be activated.

    A subsequent change is unfortunately not possible with SSL certificates for technical reasons.
    In this case you are welcome to contact our customer service.

  • WebApps – Change time zone

    WebApps – Time Zone Changes To change the time zones in WebApps (default DE), define this in the HTML code.
    Start your PHP session with:

    Live-Time for WebApps >

    A list of supported timezones can be found on the website. >