After you order your new App, you will find the service in your Cloud Management Suite account. Here you can add the URL of your website. Additional you have to create the user (details on the app-site) for the service. Thank you only have to activate it.

33 % of all websites on the Internet are operated with WordPress.
We offer Managed WordPress so that you can concentrate on your core business. We perform system updates.
Your WordPress page will be checked automatically for the latest version and updated if necessary, so no more outdated systems.
The updates also include the most common plugins.
The simple ordering and configuration of the service does not require any great technical knowledge. As well as the operation in the further course, a clear interface in the Cloud Management Suite shows all current information and settings.
Your website
Whether you run a simple blog, a corporate website or a shop. No matter if you have a business or a personal website, WordPress Management is right for everyone and you still have complete control over the site itself.
Affordable and transparent. Per year and website. We offer a clear and simple pricing model: you pay per connected website on an annual basis. Starts with 10€ per year and website, Learn more about pricing >
Learn about pricing