We are currently rolling out the availability of SEPA direct debit payments for all EU EURO countries. Therefore it is now also available for accounts outside Germany and Austria.
Continue reading Global availability: SEPAAuthor: 25Space.com
Public release: 25Share – Filetransfer
We are proud to present the official launch of 25Share. Our file transfer service “Made and Host in Germany”.
It offers extensive functions with easy handling and is now available for everyone.
Upgrade to PHP7.4.*
The scripting language PHP is the engine of many dynamic websites. You also rely on PHP for your websites.
To meet current technical and especially security requirements, we will remove PHP 7.2.* from our systems and upgrade the WebApp hosting systems to the latest version PHP 7.4.
This step will be fully automated and completed by the end of February 2020. Please make sure that your system supports the requirements for PHP 7.4 or run necessary updates. If you use a maintenance contract or update services like WordPress Management for your system, you do not need to do anything else.
Webanalytics – Now available!
Our web analytics service is now available globally in an enhanced form at 25Space.com. As Managed Hosting Matomo version you can access a maintenance free Analytics solution.
Continue reading Webanalytics – Now available!MailAPI – Spam Protection
Our MailAPI Service (25space.com/mailapi) get a new feature to prevent against Spam eMails and notifications.
Here, we design a machine learning service which learns from negative email content, senders, locations and IPs. We block more than 90% of spam messages and emails with unwanted content.
This service is included in the current MailAPI pricing and can be changed by every webmaster.
Simple change the connector:
Please have also a look to our docs: https://25space.com/developer/api/mailapiv2.php
Update of the privacy policy (CCPA)
We have updated our privacy policy and ask you to read it promptly.
Continue reading Update of the privacy policy (CCPA)Cronjob – Here it is!
Your hoster does not offer cronjobs or you only find a few “free tools” on the internet? Cronjobs are now part of the 25Space.com cloud.
Continue reading Cronjob – Here it is!Hosting: quality isn’t just a service!
In the cloud and hosting business is quality a fundamental part of the entire process. We work strong on this point and to provide best possible service to our customers.
Continue reading Hosting: quality isn’t just a service!High quality support & service – Changes
We have decided to continue to provide support and customer service of the highest quality and scope to all our customers. We consider this to be a fundamental topic in the Tech-Business.
Continue reading High quality support & service – Changesmdct Welcome and 25Welcome = ONE
Our Welcome-Web-Services, which are currently active under the known names “mdct Welcome” and “25Welcome” will be now published and available under ONE core product name:
Continue reading mdct Welcome and 25Welcome = ONE