Upgrade to PHP7.4.*

The scripting language PHP is the engine of many dynamic websites. You also rely on PHP for your websites.

To meet current technical and especially security requirements, we will remove PHP 7.2.* from our systems and upgrade the WebApp hosting systems to the latest version PHP 7.4.

This step will be fully automated and completed by the end of February 2020. Please make sure that your system supports the requirements for PHP 7.4 or run necessary updates. If you use a maintenance contract or update services like WordPress Management for your system, you do not need to do anything else.

MailAPI – Spam Protection

Our MailAPI Service (25space.com/mailapi) get a new feature to prevent against Spam eMails and notifications.
Here, we design a machine learning service which learns from negative email content, senders, locations and IPs. We block more than 90% of spam messages and emails with unwanted content.

This service is included in the current MailAPI pricing and can be changed by every webmaster.
Simple change the connector:



Please have also a look to our docs: https://25space.com/developer/api/mailapiv2.php

End external MySQL Access

On 8th December 2018 we will stop the external access for all our MySQL Database Server and Applications. On this date you will only reach your database from your server, WebApp or mdct Cloud Application. Please make sure that you are connected to our MySQL Server via “localhost” or the known URL on an application, which is hosted on a mdct Cloud Product.